Child Custody Lawyer in Orlando, FL

Hiring a child custody lawyer in Orlando is essential to protect your parental rights and ensure the best outcome for your child’s well-being. Our Orlando child custody lawyer has extensive experience and knowledge in family law, enabling them to effectively advocate for your custody rights and achieve favorable outcomes.

Child Custody in Orlando, FL

Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm

Understanding Child Custody in Orlando, FL

Child custody is a common issue that arises during divorce or separation proceedings. It refers to the legal rights and responsibilities that a parent has in relation to their child/children. In Orlando, Florida, child custody cases are governed by state laws and can be emotionally challenging for all parties involved. 

If you are currently in the midst of a child custody dispute or considering initiating one, you might be asking yourself, “Where can I find the best child custody lawyer near me?” Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm is here to assist you in taking the necessary steps toward a successful resolution.

Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm

Custody Lawyer Orlando Families Trust

Going through child custody issues can be a challenging experience for families. Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm understands that which is why our child custody lawyer in Orlando is here to stand by your side at each and every step. We are committed to advocating for your rights, whether you are facing divorce, child custody, visitation, child support, paternity, or modification of an order.

Our goal is to provide professional and affordable legal services that won’t break the bank. We use digital tools and case management systems to make the process of working with us seamless and stress-free.

Our skilled Orlando child custody lawyer is passionate about what she does, and partnering with us means choosing a custody lawyer Orlando families trust. Our child custody attorney will ensure that you understand your rights and options so that you can make informed decisions whether in pre-trial negotiations, hearings, mediation, or trial. You can trust us to help you secure the best outcome for your family.

Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm

What Factors are Considered when Determining Child Custody in Orlando, Florida?

In Orlando, Florida, the court considers the best interests of the child as the primary factor when determining child custody. This means that the court will take into account several factors, such as the child’s relationship with each parent, the parent’s ability to provide for the child’s physical, emotional, and educational needs, and any history of abuse or neglect. 

Other factors that may be considered include the child’s preference (if they are old enough to express it), the parent’s mental and physical health, and the geographic location of each parent’s home. For more information concerning this matter, our Orlando child custody lawyer is eager to answer your case-specific questions.

Child Custody and Visitation in Orlando, FL

What Types of Child Custody are Recognized in Orlando, Florida?

There are two main types of child custody recognized in Orlando, Florida: physical custody and legal custody. 

Physical custody refers to the right to have the child physically live with a parent, while legal custody refers to the right to make important decisions about the child’s upbringing, such as education, healthcare, and religious upbringing. The default for physical and legal custody is that both parents share custody. In rare circumstances, the court may award sole custody.

Child Custody in Orlando, FL

Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm

Can a Child's Preference be Taken into Account When Determining Custody in Orlando, Florida?

In Orlando, Florida, a child’s preference may be considered by the court if they are deemed old enough and mature enough to express a reasoned opinion. The child’s preference is not the sole determining factor, but the court may take it into account along with other relevant factors.

Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm

You Orlando Visitation Rights Matter, Our Family Attorney Can Help You Fully Exercise Them

If you are currently going through a divorce or separation in Orlando, Florida, it is important to understand your visitation rights as a parent. These rights determine how and when you can see your child after the separation. It is crucial to be aware of the laws surrounding visitation rights in Orlando, as these laws can vary from state to state. This is where a visitation rights attorney can be of great help. 

Our experienced family attorney can guide you through the legal process and ensure that your visitation rights are protected. We can assist you in reaching an agreement with your former partner or represent you in court if needed. Remember, you have the right to spend time with your child, and our visitation rights attorney can help you exercise that right.

Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm

What is the Process for Filing for Child Custody in Orlando, Florida?

The process for filing for child custody in Orlando, Florida begins with one parent filing a petition with the court. The other parent will then have the opportunity to respond and present their own case. The court may also order a mediation session to try and reach an agreement between the parties. If an agreement cannot be reached, the court will hold a hearing or trial to determine custody arrangements.

If you are searching for a “child custody attorney near me” for handling your unique case, Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm is a great choice! As a custody lawyer Orlando trusts, we uphold such a reputation by having handled cases like yours in the past with a high success rate. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn about how to proceed best.

Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm

Can the Custody Agreement be Modified in the Future?

Yes, a custody agreement can be modified in the future if there is a significant change in circumstances that affects the best interests of the child. This change could include a parent’s relocation, a change in the child’s needs, or a parent’s failure to adhere to the original custody agreement.

Child Custody in Orlando, FL

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Child Custody Case in Orlando, Florida?

While it is not a legal requirement to have a child custody lawyer in Orlando, it is highly recommended. By hiring an Orlando child custody lawyer from Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm, you will significantly benefit from having a legal advocate to represent your best interests and help you achieve the best possible outcome for you and your child.

How Do I Choose the Right Child Custody Lawyer?

Key Reasons Why You Should Choose Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm

Many families in Orlando who searched for a “child custody lawyer near me” and chose Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm have found great success. And like our countless clients in the past, we can help you too! Here are key reasons why people like you come to us to assist them:

We Offer Quality Legal Services for Any Budget

Get assistance from the Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm in Orlando. Our Orlando child custody lawyer offers affordable legal advice and strives to minimize financial strain.

We Strive in Providing Effortless Communication & Process

Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm is the custody lawyer Orlando families trust for a good reason! We use simple language to inform you with great clarity and convenient technology to reduce stress. We can communicate in person, over the phone, or via online conferences.

We are Passionate About Protecting Your Best Interests

Whether in negotiations, mediations, or court hearings, our Orlando family attorney will support you in a way that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Your best interests are always our top priority.

Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm Serving All Florida Families

Seeking “Child Custody Attorney Near Me”? Contact Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm Today for a Free Case Evaluation!

If you are searching for a reliable “child custody attorney near me”, Civil Family Resolutions Law Firm is the right place. Our Orlando child custody lawyer has been providing top-notch legal services to families across central Florida for many years.

We offer a free 15-minute case evaluation to discuss your case and answer any questions you may have. Let us help you navigate your child custody case with confidence. Contact us today to schedule your free case evaluation with our experienced Orlando child custody attorney!